Great post. The thing about social media is simple: who is there, that is not trying to sell you something? And so, if that's why they're there, what is their spine truly shaped of?

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Wow, loved this Jen. Such an important message. Struggle to manage my relationship with social media.

Amazing work :)

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Another great one. I've been thinking a lot about social media breaks too. I just finished reading Candy House by Jennifer Egan and this quote really stuck with me:

the need for personal glory is like cigarette addiction: a habit that feels life-sustaining even as it kills you. (210)

Made me think a lot about the ways in which validation seeking on social can be insidious. Always appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Thanks for sharing!!

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All of this was fabulous Jen, especially this:

“Instead of dreading my Internet connection, my phone, once a compulsive mosquito bite, became a tool for intentional living. I replaced mindless scrolling to escape boredom with direct texts to friends to set up chats for a deeper connection. Instead of seeking out tweets for writing inspiration, I took walks in nature without my phone. I sent more meaningful voice notes to loved ones in faraway timezones or thought-out emails to friends with what was on my mind. The itch of social media transformed into a scar that no longer bled but spoke of newfound peace.”

Thank you for the perspective and inspiration.

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