Sitemap - 2022 - Letter from a learn-it-all

🗞️ Letter 138: Why do I write this newsletter?

🙉 Letter 137: My Letter to Expectations

🥵 Letter 136: I am a Triathlete

🤯 Letter 135: Surprises, Spaciousness & Letting Ships out of the Harbor

💪 Letter 134: My Letter to Ambition

📗 Letter 133: Derek Sivers taught me how to live

🚶‍♀️Letter 132: My 12 Hour Walk

💯 Letter 131: Full Send Saturday

⚖️ Letter 130: The Pendulum of Pain and Pleasure

♥️ Letter 129: Living a Fluid Life that You Love

🚱 Letter 128: My Breakup with Booze

🍃 Letter 127: Reflections on Nomadic Life & Overflowing Socialization

🏙 Letter 126: Life from Coast to Coast: Honolulu vs. New York City

🏫 Letter 125: A Letter to my High School Best Friend

👯‍♀️ Letter 124: A Letter to my Younger Sister

⚡️Letter 123: My Letter to Curiosity

👋 Letter 122: My Letter to Rejection

❓Letter 121: Eight reflective questions from eight newsletters worth reading

👰🏻‍♀️ Letter 120: Meeting family for the first time

🌊 Letter 119: My Semi-Annual Review

🫧 Letter 118: Savoring the Little Moments in Life

🫣 Letter 117: Reflections on June & Being Kinder

🏝 Letter 116: Unknowing Myself

⚡️Letter 115: Cultivating Curiosity

🎯Letter 114: Finding Friends

⛵️Letter 113: Sail with skin in the game

⛰ Letter 112: Reflections on Climbing Mountains, Time Anxiety, and Balance

🤹‍♀️Letter 111: Why are you learning so many different things?

😈 Letter 110: The Temptation of Thought

🤝 Letter 109: How can I keep promises to myself?

🧐Letter 108: What have you been loving, lacking and learning?

🍹Letter 107: Thoughts from a Former Binge Drinker

💌 Letter 106: How do you show yourself love?

☮️ Letter 105: I am a Groupie

🤔 Letter 104: What happened in March?

📱Letter 103: Friendzoning Your Phone

⏯ Letter 102: Do you have play-life balance?

📓 Letter 101: Why I can't live without my journal

💯 Letter 100: 15 Lessons from 100 Weeks of Writing Online

🌀Letter 99: What's my problem with problems?

🎉 Letter 98: 26 Lessons from 26 Years

💭 Letter 97: Why have dreams?

👩🏻‍🔬Letter 96: What experiments do I want to run in my life?

✏️ Letter 95: My 2021 Annual Review

😱Letter 94: Why am I chasing fear?

🏙 Letter 93: Exploring Detroit, Feedback Survey, Mouse in the House, Banal

❄️ Letter 92: Annual Review Resources, Ask Polly, Skiing, Meraki