Sawadee ka fellow learn-it-all 👋
Greetings from Pai, Thailand.
I just checked into my Holo Hub hostel, and this place is dope! My motion sickness medicine knocked me out the whole 4-hour drive from Chiang Mai. I am excited to explore for the next eight days of my holiday. Christmas this year looked way different for me. This was my first time not in Michigan with family. It’s okay, or as the Thai say sabai sabai. At least I’m not sick like I was in 2021 alone in my brother’s house.
While walking to school yesterday and hearing the school song across the campus, I zoomed out on my life and thought, “What the heck is my life??”
I am living in Thailand. I moved here alone. I am a school teacher. Some of my students love speaking English with me and want to live in America. I published a book four months ago. I have a family that loves me so much, that they shipped me a box of goodies that was the highlight of my Christmas opening with them on Facetime. I am blessed with the opportunity to write little letters each week and share them on the Internet with you the past 242 weeks. I haven’t drank alcohol in 28 months. I don’t have notifications or social media on my phone.
Anywho, I wanted to make this letter more meaningful with a roundup of thoughtful creations since this is my last letter to you this year, but alas, I’ve been stressed out, so instead, here’s a creation from my mom of our family Christmas card:
📸Photos of the Week

Now, let’s dive into letter 242 from a learn-it-all. Enjoy!
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❓Question to think about
What were some wins from my week?
And here’s ten wins from my week:
All but three students completed their midterms and received high grades, which makes me so proud. 🥹
Winning 200 baht and a tea kettle at my Thai school’s holiday party last night. I didn’t understand a word, but when I found a slip under my seat and heard my name, I went up to the stage.
My tempo run of a 5K two nights ago on the old Chiang Rai airport tarmac in less than 30 minutes (29:53). I’ve never done this before. How exciting!! I properly descended after my warmup from 10:05 mile to 9:41 and 8:56 finish.
The sauna at a hotel I’ve been swimming at is bringing me such peace.
Hiking on a random trail that I loved last Sunday.
I meditated the most I have in Thailand, sat in on a monk’s dharma talk, and befriended him afterward. His name is Sone, and he’s my age. He became a monk at age 11 in Loas. The monistic life is fascinating. I ignited a tsunami of questions.Finding a Christian (Presbyterian) church with an English translator. Each Christmas carol had a Thai verse and then an English verse of O Holy Night and We Wish You a Merry Christmas.
I finally received my Thai visa at the immigration office. To my surprise, I must return every 90 days to update it.
Now that I have my work permit, I have a Thai bank account, which allows me to use an app to scan to pay for purchases or send money. I’m excited by this convenience while simultaneously scared to be more attached to my phone. I’ve been researching a piece about phone addiction. If you have thoughts I would love to hear them. :)
Gifting twelve of my Thai teachers little presents and receiving their joyous, surprised facial expressions.
Feeling my feelings of sadness waking up crying and falling asleep crying. I miss so many people and sometimes wish I was other places, and that’s okay.
🎬 Watching
The Holiday.
I don’t care what anyone says. This is golden. The themes of with Cameron Diaz, Jude Law, Kate Winslet,
A favorite quote:
Jasper: What exactly has got into you?
Iris: I don't know. But I think what I've got is something slightly resembling, gumption.
“Girl in Calico” by Tow’rs
This song makes me smile so big. The violin in the beginning is *insert emoji of chef’s kiss"*.
Our eyes are flint
I meant what I meant
In sickness and healthI still recall the day that we met
You were wearing your calico dress
And out of all the things that I regret
Honey, you are not one of them
🔍Word to define
Gumption (n.): shrewd or spirited initiative and resourcefulness:
🌟Quote to inspire
"Die empty. Get every idea out of your head and into reality. Calling yourself creative doesn't make it true. All that matters is what you've launched. Make finishing your top priority." —Derek Sivers
I’m looking forward to creating some silly things over my nine-day break away from school.
I invite you to do the same as well. Flex those creative muscles and die empty ;)
to my mom, dad, brother, sister, cousins, aunt, uncles, dogs, cats. I love you all so much and even typing this short little bullet out right now is making my leak salt water because I miss you all so much. Life is so confusing. I wish that I could be in so many places at once. It’s not fair.
to my Thai co-workers who have made Thailand more homey from the flower festival to the Christmas festival and luncheons and surprise presents.
I appreciate you reading this!
If ideas resonated, I’d love you to press the heart button, leave a comment, reply to this email, or reach me at
Keep on learning 😁
K̄ha bhuṇ ka 🌺
PS- if you’d like to see a curation of my favorite letters, the best way is to buy my book on Amazon here.
PPS - if you missed last week I wrote a letter called 🌎🌍🌏 Lessons from the great book of the world
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